Lower Mystic Corridor Strategy Reply

A planning project to improve the lower Mystic. The study area includes portion of the Malden River, the Island End River in Everett and Chelsea, the Chelsea River, and Mill Creek.

Time Frame

  • 5-20 years


  • Seeking public input.


  • Somerville’s interests in the Mystic and Alewife Brook, particularly the Assembly Square project, need to be protected.


  • Continued neglect of the Mystic and Alewife Brook.


  • Monitor and participate.


  • Somerville has two relevant rivers, the Mystic and Alewife Brook. Both have been long neglected and are heavily polluted. The Mystic is the key waterway next to the Assembly Square district, a key development parcel in East Somerville.
  • Metropolitan Planning Council.


  • Several years ago MVTF worked with the Somerville state delegation to fund a planning study of the lower Mystic. This includes Alewife Brook, a tributary of the Mystic.

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